Linux and PHP Programming Tutorials

Image of Keith Smith, PHP Programmer

Hi, I’m Keith Smith. Welcome to my website.

I was first exposed to computer programming at the university in 1983.

In 1999 I taught myself HTML and in 2000 developed my first online website.

By around 2002 PHP and MySQL started to appear on my radar. It wasn’t until 2004 that I started learning PHP.

In 2006 I left my corporate job to start a PHP freelance consultancy.

Today I am a teacher and mentor. I teach Full-Stack Linux and Full-Stack PHP.

To determine if PHP programming is for you please watch the following video.

After watching the above video, if PHP is for you,

  1. Subscribe to my newsletter: PHP Coder USA Newsletter.
  2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the notification button: PHP Coder USA YouTube Channel.

Read more about PHP Coder USA: PHP Coder USA.

Read more about me : About Keith Smith.